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Purple Buds

SOUL so far...

(Through  January 2025)


Moms Given  Supplies to Empower their Motherhood


Moms Provided Life Skills Lessons to Empower Stability


Moms, plus their 313 children, impacted by SOUL's direct services


Moms Financially 
Supported through Housing Crisis

129 children remained housed with their mom as a result


Chose Life,
Found Faith,
Left an Abuser, and/or
had CPS case closed and kept child custody, as a result of SOUL's services

Mahala's home flooding was just the beginning. Health issues during pregnancy, theft, and depression weighed on her heavily. Growing up in the foster care system, she did not expect what she found at SOUL: a faithful mentor who guided her through every step of the way. The SOUL community also empowered her with a transitional hotel stay, housing assistance, financial management courses, and resource connections. For the first time she feels like she's "doing life the right way."

A Mom's Experience of Healing and Growth in SOUL Sisters:

How a Pregnant Woman went from homelessness to hope through the support and mentorship of the SOUL community:

A mom and baby endured sickness, almost losing it all.

She grew in courage and wisdom through

SOUL's mentoring and housing assistance.

A woman was able to find her way out of an abusive relationship, but on the other side she was pregnant, had bills piling up, and was feeling abandoned. She found God's faithful presence through her SOUL Sister, God's provision through the SOUL housing assistance program, and God's design for healthy relationships through the mentoring program.

Young Mother

Quotes from SOUL Clients

- Kayla, SOUL Sister

"It's nice to know
someone really cares."

Nursery Room

Client Story

It was one of the coldest nights in January. But at three months pregnant, a sweet young lady and her six-year-old daughter were sleeping in her car. Again.


She did not want to continue the pregnancy. The relationship with her children’s father was rocky, and family support proved unreliable. Just one year ago, she’d lost a baby at seven months gestation, and her high blood pressure put this pregnancy at risk. Her doctors demanded bed rest. Unable to handle the physical demands of her nursing assistant job, she lost her income and her apartment. She needed to support her daughter. Abortion seemed like her only option.

She scheduled an appointment at DAZZ Medical Services. The counselors there gave her hope that she could continue the pregnancy. They referred her to an organization that could help -- SOUL. It took her a few days to gather the courage to call. Then the weather turned colder and she grew desperate.

When she showed up for her first SOUL Sisters meeting, she was amazed at how she was treated. She couldn’t believe the women of SOUL cared so much about her and genuinely wanted to help. Working with SOUL to form a plan, she found an affordable mobile home in North Charleston. She gathered as much money as she could and SOUL provided the balance of her security deposit and first month’s rent.


She and her daughter celebrated their stable home! She continued attending SOUL Sisters meetings and worked an online job from home. Thriving in SOUL’s budget and relationship classes, she began making positive changes. She grew in faith, praying and trusting God to provide. She gained hope that she could parent her baby, and God protected her throughout her dangerous pregnancy.

Her son was born premature, but healthy! SOUL assisted financially and spiritually throughout her pregnancy and maternity leave while she worked to earn what she could from home. Today, she is back to work, in a nicer townhome, and attends a local church. With gratitude, she says, “All I can do is keep praying and thanking God.”

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Sanctuary of Unborn Life, LLC

is a 501(c)(3) faith-based nonprofit organization

in Charleston, SC that provides support, mentoring, and housing assistance for local pregnant / new moms in need.

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2021 by Sanctuary of Unborn Life, LLC 

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